Projects are important, but the experiences and events in which we participate, make us evolve!


Undefined project


LEIM Projects, 2016

It ended the first phase of the projects presentations of the ISEL's Degree in Computer Science and Multimedia.

As Mentors in some of the finalist’s projects, Re|trai, want to leave here a sample of the level that some of the projects reached:

Gestura is a multiplayer turn-based fighting game, which use the Leap Motion sensor to interact and trigger spells through gestures. The game allows you to do attack and defense sequences, that lead the player with more skill to win.

Minigames, is a project that encapsulates two educational mini-games, which also use the leap motion sensor to generate interaction with it. The game "Sort The Garbage", intended to teach players to separate the waste properly, while in the game "Catch the food" the goal passes to lead users to grab the necessary ingredients to make a healthy meal.

  • Data 2016-07


leap motion, ISEL, LEIM, Project, Degree, Mentors, Zero2Hero, Games, Education

As Mentors in some LEIM projects at ISEL, Re|trai has the pleasure of showing some of them.